Addiction Medicine

  • Alcohol dependence treatment
  • Opioid Use Disorder treatment
    • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) uses FDA-approved medications to treat opioid addiction.
    • MAT is a whole-patient approach and is tailored specifically to each individual patient. While the medication relieves withdrawal symptoms, counseling promotes positive behavior and lifestyle change.
    • Sawtooth Mountain Clinic (SMC) started a MAT program in 2019 and currently has 4 providers that are trained to prescribe and manage suboxone treatment.
    • SMC has a Care Coordinator that helps with appointment scheduling, finding inpatient or outpatient treatment if needed, and connecting with local resources.
    • Our program offers integration with primary care such as prenatal visits or mental health visits as well as integration with Cook County Public Health and Human Services case management team.
  • Tobacco cessation


Chronic Disease Management

  • Asthma management
  • Diabetes management
  • Hypertension/cardiovascular management
  • Protime/INR
  • Referrals for specialty care

Gender Affirming Care

  • Counseling, education and resource sharing on gender dysphoria, related stress, and options for transition from cosmetic changes to more intensive interventions
  • Treatment of co-occurring mental health issues through medication and/or counseling with a licensed therapist
  • Management of hormone-based therapies for transgender care and referral to a specialist as needed
  • Referrals to specialists for gender affirmation surgery

Our Care Team is committed to treating all patients with respect. We will always do our best to respect our transgender and non-binary patients and will listen and learn to continually deepen our understanding. We will continually work to improve our cultural and medical competency to create a safe and inclusive space from the front desk to the exam room.

Nurse Visit

  • Allergy shots
  • Vaccinations

Pediatric/Adolescence Care

Preventative Care

  • Annual physical
  • Cancer screening
  • DOT physical
  • Employment exams
  • Foot care
  • Tobacco cessation
  • Travel consult
  • Weight loss assistance

Sexual and Reproductive Health

  • Cervical screenings
  • Contraceptives counseling and implementation
    •  Daily oral birth control pill
    •  IUD placement and removal
    • Depo-Provera
    • Nexplanon
  • Prenatal and family care
  • STI/STD testing and treatment


Depending on the appointment type or health issue, telehealth may be an option to meet with your provider. If you have a device with video capabilities you can meet with your provider via video through Zoom. If you don’t have video capabilities you can still schedule a visit with your provider to speak over the phone.


All telehealth video visits will take place using the platform Zoom. Zoom appointments are very safe and we have multiple levels of security to ensure your privacy:

  • We have a licensed Zoom product that has increased security and is HIPAA compliant
  • We create unique meeting IDs for each appointment that only the provider and patient receive
  • In order for someone to join the meeting, the host (your provider) has to admit them
  • Once the meeting starts, the provider locks the meeting so no others can join

If you have concerns about the security of Zoom appointments please call the clinic at (218) 387-2330 to learn more.

Scheduling Telehealth Appointments

Call us at (218) 387-2330 or make an appointment request via your Patient Portal. Not registered? Call to set one up!

Preparing for a Telehealth Visit

Please use this checklist to prepare for your telehealth visit:

  1. Keep a record of your appointment day/time.
  2. Gather all your medications and have them available at the time of the visit.
  3. Make a list of any questions you have about your health.
  4. Gather information on any other health care providers you have visited in the last month and the reasons why you visited them. This includes any visits to the ER or the hospital.
  5. If you have a scale and/or blood pressure cuff, weigh yourself and take your blood pressure on the day of the visit.
  6. Plan to be in a quiet room, ideally with a door that can be closed for privacy. You should not be driving or working on other things during the appointment.
  7. Please be available on your phone/computer 10 minutes before and after your scheduled visit time. The sooner you can call with any technical difficulties the better so that it doesn’t interfere with your time with the provider.

A printable version of this checklist is available below.

Patient Checklist – Preparing for a Telehealth Visit